How much can one cup do? When it's a Uuvipak cup that you can eat, compost. plant, and share, you’d be surprised! Uuvipak products have endless opportunities and so many ways to use a guilt-free sustainable product. Their cups decompose in 3-4 weeks and are completely edible. This advertising campaign takes this compostable cup and creates an immersive and engaging connection to a young purpose-driven customer base.
How do your Pets, People, & the Planet fit in with your life?

The main title of “Pets, People, & Planet” is the focus of these print advertisements. It’s big, bold, and grabs attention. These half-page and full-spread advertisements highlight how Uuvipak is environmentally friendly, compostable, and can be shared with loved ones from people to pets. These ads will be found in Time, People, and Good Housekeeping Magazines.

This interactive experience is the perfect way to introduce the benefits of Uuvipak to anyone who passes by these advertisements and educated them on the negatives of single-use plastics.

Focusing on our favorite furry friends is the first part of breaking down Pets, People, & Planet. This mini-campaign includes a giveaway for posting how you and your pets share Uuvipak.

While not everyone has an animal pet that they adore, plant babies still count as pets! As Uuvipak becomes fantastic fertilizer after it is composted, this mini-campaign focuses on the benefits that our cups can bring even our most inanimate loved ones.

Within the second component of Pets, People, & Planet we focus on how we all can be conscious global citizens. This mini-campaign includes an interactive outdoor experience that shares how Uuvipak facilitates environmentally-informed decisions.

Looking at the final tenant within Pets, People, & Planet the subject is the environment. This mini-campaign includes an all-immersive VR experience that makes the impact of waste on the world around us all the more real to the viewer.

This giveaway features an Instagram filter that takes a picture with your front camera and back camera, at the same instant. The front camera view is more prominent with the rear camera view being smaller and captured within the Uuvipak cup silhouette. The users will then post their pets with this filter to win a personalized pet tag. This social media campaign will encourage user interaction on a positive personal level. Who doesn’t love to post about their pets?

To connect with the younger purpose-driven generation, the #flipthecupnarrative campaign is a play on the popular party game “flip cup” to draw attention to the impact of single-use cups and the impressive benefits found with Uuvipak.

This 30-second video has clips inspired by all the mini-campaigns into an advertisement. Clips are contained within the Uuvipak cup to illustrate how of a difference one single cup can make.

To come up with such an extensive and -initially- overwhelming project, I did a lot of ideating and working. I was thinking of using the Uuvipak logo as a reoccurring pattern, emphasizing that the cups are edible by people and most animals, and maybe making some green-centric puns and so so so much more. While not all the concepts stuck, this research helped get the ball rolling.
It was a long brainstorming process to create a visually successful campaign after I came up with "Pet, People, and Planet." Above is a taste of the hundreds of magazine advertisements that I made and scrapped. But despite all the work, this project forced me to grow as an ideator and think about pushing concepts as far as possible. It was difficult to stay motivated at times and my strong intrinsic motivation was essential for the successful completion of this piece.
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